John Kozachenko

John Kozachenko is a photographer and AIDS activism pioneer since the early ’80s. In the early ’90s, Kozachenko got his start with Vancouver’s original gay newspaper, Angles, and was their photographer and darkroom technician for a decade.  Known for shooting anything from gay bashing to street rallies, Kozachenko has acquired a fascinating set of rare photos documenting Vancouver’s vast activism history. In 1990 Kozachenko became one of the founding members of Vancouver's chapters of ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power). He is a community titled “professional activist," and one of the founding members of the Vancouver chapter of ACT UP in 1990. He got his start with Vancouver’s original gay newspaper, Angles, in the early ’90s. For ten years, he was their photographer/darkroom technician shooting anything from gay bashing to street rallies. He’s got a fascinating set of rare photos documenting Vancouver’s history. John is also known as a pioneer AIDS advocate and is a regular volunteer at BCPWA. 
